Observed 8/12/03 from my back deck midnight to 1:30 a.m. pacific DST (daylight savings time) or 07:00 - 8:30 UT. Transparency poor 2/6 (near full moon), seeing good 6/10. South Polar Cap notch and dark melt line continue to be prominent. Hellas visible at times. Mare Tyrrhenum and Mare Cimmerium visible.
Date: 08/12/03 Lat 37N, Long 122W, elev. 200 feet | Sketch Time (UT): 8:00, (local time): 1:00 a.m. DST |
Central Meridian: 228° | Filters: none |
Instrument: 4-inch (105mm) f/6 Astro-Physics Traveler Apo refractor. | Distance from earth 0.39 AU, 58.5m km, 36.3m miles |
Magnification: (4mm) 376x Zeiss Abbe Ortho combined with a 2.4x AP Barcon Barlow | Transp. 2/6, Seeing 6/10, Antoniadi (I-V): III |
Apparent Size: 24.1" | Magnitude: -2.6 |
Details about Mars: Diameter 24.1 arc seconds (Jupiter is about 30 -50 arc seconds in diameter depending on its distance from earth). Central Meridian 228 - the imaginary line passing through the planetary poles of rotation and bisecting the planetary disk, and is used to determine the longitude during an observing session.
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