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Plato on July 4, 1998, an 11 day old waxing moon. Telescope: 6 inch F/5.2 reflector using a 6mm Vixen Lanthanum eyepiece for 133X. A deep dark pool within the walled plain. (Rukl 3)
Plato sketch

Moon Sheep and Plato on November 5 05:30 UTC (08:30 PM PST). This is a 9 day waxing moon. Telescope: 4.1 inch f/6 refractor using a 2.2mm Orion Lanthanum eyepiece for 276x. (Rulk 3, 4 and 11) Refractor view is reversed from reflector view in the accompanying sketch. Note Vallis Alpes (Alpine Valley) to the left. The "sheep" are Montes Teneriffe below and to the right, Pico is the big sheep below Plato in the sketch. Piton and Monte Piazzi Smyth are above the Alpine Valley to the left.
Plato through refractor
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