The Astronomical League Observing Clubs offer encouragement and certificates of accomplishment for demonstrating observing skills with a variety of instruments and objects. These include the Urban Observing Club, Universe Sampler Club, Messier Club; Binocular Messier Club, Herschel 400 Club, Herschel II Club, Asteroid Club, Caldwell Club, Deep Sky Binocular Club, the Southern Skies Binocular Club, the Meteor Club, the Double Star Club, Lunar Club, the Earth-orbiting Asteroid Club, Galaxy Groups and clusters Club, Arp Peculiar Galaxy Club, and last but not least the sunspotters Club.
In the League's Sunspotter program, you will make two sets of drawings. The first set is five detailed sketches of sunspot groups. The second set is 20 or more sketches of the whole solar disk during two solar rotations (one rotation is about 30 days).
Additional data required by A.L.P.O. The Carrington Rotation Number. Rotation #1995 commenced on October 6, 2002.